DAAD “Kigaru ni Austausch Presentation Coaching” (Spring 2023)

Presenting is a key competence for researchers and scientists. That is why the DAAD Regional Office Tokyo invites students and young researchers from Germany and Japan to apply to an intensive online presentation coaching. In direct conversation with bilingual expert Atsuko Kohata, you will learn how to improve your presentation techniques and effectively communicate your areas of interest to an international audience unfamiliar with the subject. After the coaching, you will give a presentation in English at the event series “Kigaru ni Austausch” in front of German and Japanese students and researchers supported by DAAD. A certificate of completion can be issued upon request.
How does the coaching work?
The coaching consists of five modules. Participation in all modules is required for completion. The program is held completely online. Between modules you will work on your individual presentations.
- Social event: You get to know the other participants and your coach and get started on your presentation. Date: Saturday, April 15, 16:00-19:00 JST / 9:00-12:00 CEST
- First private coaching session: You will prepare the first version of your presentation and send a video recording to your coach in advance of the session. During the session you will receive feedback from your coach and define your individual challenges. Deadline: Finish your first session by Friday, May 19.
- Second private coaching session: You will refine your presentation and work on your individual challenges together with your coach. Deadline: Finish your second session by June 9.
- Practice presentations: You present in front of your peers and get additional feedback. Date: June 30 or July 1, 16:00-19:00 JST / 9:00-12:00 CEST
- Final presentation: You give your final presentation at a “Kigaru ni Austausch” event. Deadline: Finish before December 20.
You can find the detailed schedule and requirements here: PDF
Who can apply?
Applications are open to German and Japanese students (in their bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral studies) and postdocs (doctorate within the past six years) of all subjects who have an interest in the other country and who can give a 15–25-minute talk in English. Students and postdocs of other nationalities can apply if they are receiving a DAAD scholarship in Japan.
How can I apply?
To apply, please fill in the following online application form by April 2, 2023:
Please apply only if you are ready to commit the necessary time and energy to this program (see schedule and requirements above).
*If more applications are received than there are places available, a selection of participants will be made. The selection will primarily be based on the originality and relevance of the proposed topic, but attention will also be paid to the balance between genders and nationalities.
About “Kigaru ni Austausch” and possible topics
You can learn more about the Kigaru ni Austausch event series and past presentation topics here.
Please contact Mr. Pascal Wenz-Kim of the DAAD Regional Office Tokyo at wenz@daadjp.com