
Information about Japan

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Here you will find useful information from the DAAD on study and research in Japan as well as on the Japanese education and science landscape.

Country Information Japan

You can find more information on scholarship programmes for study, teaching and research, university projects and academic cooperation in Japan as well as other country-specific information can be found here.

More on (available in German)

Country Profile Japan

With the publication series on country profiles, GATE Germany offers insights into foreign higher education landscapes. In January 2019, the country profile on Japan was published.

More on (available in German)

日本からの一枚 (Reports on experiences in Japan)

In the article series "日本からの一枚 (Reports on experiences in Japan)", students from Germany who are currently studying in Japan share their experiences alongside pictures.

Logo of the website Studying worldwide in German

Studieren weltweit

A worldwide network of correspondents reports on their experiences and impressions abroad on the „Studieren weltweit“ page. Photos and reports about study visits, language courses and internships in Japan can be found here.

More on (available in German)

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked